Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 8: The last goodbye...

What a wonderful day in Nicaragua! Today was our "free day" which was to consist of some shopping, sightseeing, and a fair-well church service in the evening. 

Kathryn started us off with the morning devotional. She gave her own testimony and explained how God had put her on this trip for a purpose. Her close connections with the people here, shared experiences, and the opportunity to encourage one another seemed like such an act of God in her life. She explained she was so grateful for the opportunity to be here and to experience what He has in store for her. She did a wonderful job and we are so blessed to have Kathryn with us in Nicaragua. :)

After breakfast, we set out for the market in Managua, Nicaragua. We shopped for a couple of hours. Some walked away with some beautiful finds including nice woodwork and handmade crafts to remember our time here. My good friend, Demo, was able to meet us while we were at the market. I was so excited to see him! It has been too long, my friend. :) After shopping, our friends--the missionary family Bonilla-Giovanetti--joined us for the day's events. We were so happy so see them again! 

We left the market and Juan took us to Granada--one of the oldest cities in Central American, founded in the late 1500's. In Granada, we took a boat tour of Lake Managua (or Lake Nicaragua). The tour was absolutely beautiful! We were informed that there are about 365 private islands in Lake Managua. There is one for sale if anyone is interested--$350,000 to own your own island. :) After the boat ride, we went to the town square in the center of Granada. It was full of life with vendors, food, music, and historical architecture in all directions. 

We saw Granada from a different viewpoint when we went to a scenic overlook across a smaller lagoon. This was our las stop with the Bonilla-Giovanetti family. We hugged, took pictures, exchanged gratitude and blessings before parting ways for the last time (this trip). They were so warm, inviting us all back whenever we liked. They expressed their hope for our groups to meet again and work in ministry together. We hope and pray for the same. We miss miss this beautiful family until that time comes.

On our way back to Skylark for a quick break, we stopped to see the school we helped paint. The hard work of the families and students of San Marcos, Iglesia Bautista Jehova Yireh, and our team shined through in the finished product. The school looked so fresh and new! We truly enjoyed our time working here, and we hope the labor we spent will be a blessing to the teachers, the students and their families. 

After the shopping and touring, we attended one last church service of Iglesia Bautista Jehova Yireh. This service was intended to be a fair-well service before we head back to the United States. I think I can speak for the entire team when I say--we were so extremely humbled and loved during this service. Their expression of gratitude and genuine love was overwhelming. They gave us certificates commemorating the trip. They gave us each two gifts to take home. Some church members that we became especially close with gave us additional gifts (bracelets, letters, keychains, bookmarks, etc.). At one point, all three of our translators were in the front of the church leading worship. Erika and Tony were singing, and Leyner was doing what he does best--playing the keyboard. After worship and the gift-giving, we began the long (sorrowful) process of saying goodbye. There weren't many dry eyes to be found. It seemed more evident then than ever before--we truly have become one family. Lubeck Community Baptist Church, Calvary Baptist Church, and Iglesia Bautista Jehova Yireh have joined together as one family of many families. We mare so many miles apart, but our love in Christ will always bind us together. 

We are so grateful for you all... following at home, praying, sending well wishes as each day passed. You have been such a huge contribution to this journey. Each moment, each life saved, each relationship, and each hug was wrapped carefully in your prayer. We cannot express enough gratitude for your constant involvement and love, both before and throughout this week. 

Always in His love,

1 Corinthians 13:13

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