Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 5: Prayer & Pastors

Pastor Mark Wood praying for pastors in attendance at the convention.

Anna Maria, Johana's Father, Johana, and Erika (our translator).

Pastor Juan translating for Pastor Mark at the pastors' convention.

The 7-8 year old class at Bible School. Teachers: Sandy, Lisa, Kathryn, and Eyner (our translator).

Dancing at Bible School! :)
Bible School. Students hard at work.

The radio station where Juan, Pastor Mark Wood, Roger, and Zach spoke on-air.

Lisa and I on a home visit with Anna Maria's close friends and neighbors.

Roger, Kenny, and Zach getting the party started at Bible School with some Limbo! 

Today, many of us stepped outside of our comfort zone and into growth. Before the rest of the team woke up (around 6 am) , Zach, Mark Wood, Roger, and Juan went to a local radio station. Mark Wood gave a mini-sermon on air, Roger said a few words about our team and mission, and Zach closed in prayer. Juan was the best translator of all time. :)

Once the boys returned to Skylark (around 7:30 am), we all started our morning with a devotional led by Rhonda. She did a great job of resetting our priorities for the day. She posed the question, "what causes you to feel compassion?" We all took time to consider what allows us or motivates us to show compassion. The answers were all very sincere; from the heart. She went on to explain that Paul had compassion for the church in Thessalonica, and it is evident in the letters he wrote to them. So, she encouraged us to look through the lens of compassion as we ventured into the day's events. 

After breakfast and devotional, our team split into two groups. One group (Rhonda, Kathryn, Sandy, Lisa, and me / Meredith) conducted in-home visits, while the second group (Zach, Kenny, Sherry, Stacy, and Roger) went with Pastor Mark, Pastor Mark Wood, and Juan to the Pastor's Training Convention. The in-home visits were meant to be evangelical in nature. The families we were visiting had either a) left the church or b) had never been to church. Lisa and I (Meredith) were traveling together visiting homes alongside our translator, Tony. Our fist home visit gave us a true sense of humility, empathy, and compassion. We visited a mother who had just lost her son 8 days ago. As she explained her story (that we were hearing for the first time), she pointed to his pictures. All three of us (Lisa, Tony, and me) were invited to look at his picture on the wall behind us. Tony's facial expression changed instantly when he saw the picture. He explained to us he played baseball with this man; they were very good teammates and friends. This was the first time Tony had heard of his passing. Ignoring his sorrow, Tony informed Lisa and me that this must be God's plan. He said (to summarize), "I always go with missionaries to visit families, schools, homes... but I am never the one being used. I feel God has put me here for this purpose today." The mother was experiencing extreme sorrow over the loss of her son (45-50 years of age at his passing). With Tony's words of encouragement and a supportive family she seemed to have renewed faith as we prayed to close our intimate meeting. Later, one of the matron's daughters came to the Bible School. She explained that the visit was encouraging for her mother and asked that we continue prayers for her and her family. We assured her we would be honored to do so.

The second team conducting in-home visits (Rhonda, Sandy, and Kathryn) visited a cousin of their translator, Erika. Her name is Johana. Erika had not been back to church in four years and Johana had abstained for two. Erika recently renewed her faith and hoped to encourage her cousin to do the same. Kathryn shared her personal testimony about her walk with God, motherhood, the trials of her life, and the hope that God offers. After the visit, witness, encouragement, and prayer, the ladies left not knowing if their message was truly heard. They received their answer when Johana arrived for Bible School that afternoon. God is so good. :) 

While we were visiting families, the rest of the team was helping with the pastoral convention. The event was organized and led by Pastor Rudolfo. There was a lot of praise and worship throughout the entire morning. After an initial session of worship, Pastor Mark Wood took time to preach on trusting Him. He referenced Proverbs 3:3-6 speaking on putting your absolute trust in God's great plan. This seems like such an essential lesson to understand and take to heart whether it's meant for a group of pastor's or a congregation. It is such a powerful message. Pastor Mark Houser spoke later on. His message was focused on the priorities of a pastor. He urged the pastors not to put their ministry above their own health and well-being of their family. He explained that the ministry and the call on their life is important, but you cannot serve a congregation if you are not well. You cannot be a man of God if you cannot first take care of your family. After these messages were delivered, Pastor Rudolfo asked "both Marks" to lay their hands on all those in attendance and pray for each individually. We walked in at this point and, I can attest, this was such an emotional moment for the pastors (including "the Marks"). You can see this prayer session taking place in some of the pictures above. At the end of the convention, one pastor explained he wanted "the Marks" and Juan to return at least twice a year for more Pastor Conventions.

Toward the end of the pastoral convention, Stacy, Zach, Roger, and Kenny returned to the school we visited yesterday. They handed out the packages of school supplies we prepared to the students. The students were so excited to get their supplies! It was more like Christmas in February. :) Our team had a great time visiting and playing one more time with the children of this San Marcos elementary school. 

That afternoon we returned to the Bible School for one last day of lessons, playing, crafts, and singing. It became more emotional as time passed. As the end of school was approaching hugs became more important. Bracelets were exchanged, pictures were taken, information exchanged, and so on. There were many memorable moments that took place here. One, in particular, included Stacy. She thought it would be a great idea to bring "bouncy balloons" for the kids. There was only one problem--40 balloons for 80 children. The math didn't add up. She tried to keep it a secret by giving one balloon to a child and saying, "keep this quiet, I don't have enough." So the child turned around, screamed, "balloon!!" in Spanish, and Stacy experienced her first "mob attack." ha! Luckily our good friends Candida and Margarita were close by and came to her rescue. :) 

Before the Bible School could end, the members of our team danced for the kids. We sang songs, played games, and handed out awards for the best students of the Bible School. Roger, Kenny, and Zach started a Limbo line and the head of the Bible School, Reyna, called Roger "the special one." He is so special to us all. :) Although the Bible School is over, we are not so sad just yet. For one, six students asked Jesus into their hearts at the end of the lessons today (Praise!). Secondly, we know we will see the children again tomorrow night for the 6:00 church service. We look forward to seeing their beautiful faces once more before we leave San Marcos. 

And what a day! So many moments coordinated by God. We could not be more grateful for His presence and overwhelming faithfulness in every moment. He has a plan, and He allows us to be a part of it. 

We love you all so much. As always, your prayers mean the world to us. He not only hears your prayers, but He answers them as we have seen so plainly here in San Marcos. 

Always in His love.

1 Corinthians 13:13


  1. Mere -

    I sit in tears of happiness reading today's entry. I am tring to picture all this in my mind. My how Tony has been used by God! If there was ever a doubt that God has a perfect plan for each of us, rest assured that has been answered. Tony was in the right place at the right time - God's perfect plan.

    Praying for each of you to continue to have a wonderful time and for the seeds you all are planting to continue to grow.

    Much love,

  2. I have to agree with Shan! This has been the most moving passage for me so far! I'm glad you guys are having a good time! Can't wait for y'all to be home!
    Love and Miss everyone
    Maddy Cooper
